A Full Moon in Leo takes place on Wednesday, Feb 12/25. You may experience some volatility that ends up being necessary with an overall positive outcome. Getting past old belief systems and reactivity to outside stimulus has the potential to lead to significant abundance in your life. Take the time to rid yourself of something that no longer has value and add something that holds the potential for something wonderful. Keep it simple – switch up to a better tasting beverage – in doing so it will bring about a noticeable improvement. The week ends on Valentines Day – take the time to be loving to everyone you interact with. Valentines is a heart centered energy – spread it around.
Page of Wands – Court card with the element of fire. Spontaneous fun-loving energy is around – play – laugh – move – enjoy yourself! Be adventurous – try or do something different. Spend time with people who are different than you – be curious about life and others. You may also have an ardent younger love on the horizon.
10 of Wands – element of fire is present. You may be feeling overburdened with all of the tasks on your plate. Divest yourself of areas that are not yours to take on. It no longer serves – if it ever did – for you to take on the responsibilities that belong to someone else. With the divesting of chores or duties you will feel and immediate sense of relief. Having cleared up space in your life for you and your desires you will feel an immediate sense of relief.
XIV –Temperance – Major Arcana – Focus on harmony and balance. Take steps to towards being more compassionate and patient with yourself and with significant others in your life. Bring your calm essence to situations you find yourself in. This is a time to be diplomatic. Sidestep conflict – it is not where you need to be. Embrace a slower pace. Pay attention to the little things around you.
For in-depth readings book an appointment with me.
Have a great week.
All the best,