Lots of chatter in astrological circles about the visibility of several planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. The alignment of the planets will be most clear to the naked eye the latter part of February. If you are sky watcher, check your area for the best viewing times.
Ace of Cups – element of water is present. Get ready for a creative surge. A period of stagnation is officially over. Have fun – be creative – take a risk with that special someone – fall in love or lust. Just move forward and enjoy the feeling of well being all around you. The uplift in your energy is palpable – use it fully.
6 of Pentacles – element of earth is present. The willingness to share resources and bounty with others is featured. The universe loves a generous giver. You are in a position to make a decision that will benefit you and others for the long run. Materially you are well provided for and you will continue to receive as you give.
X – Wheel of Fortune – Major Arcana – Expect the unexpected. You are ending a cycle and beginning a new one. The energy is one of buoyancy, optimism and adventure. Life is a cycle – and as you grow and accommodate with the flow luck is on your side. You do not have take special action – really do nothing differently. Be open to what is taking place and go with it.
For in-depth readings book an appointment with me.
Have a great week.
All the best,