The Sun enters Aquarius and the energy begins to shift. Take advantage of the energy to communicate with people in your life and within your community.
0- The Fool – Major Arcana. The energy here is air and we are in Aquarius which has to do with fast moving ideas – and the realm of possibilities. This is the energy of moving through life knowing that you have the capacity to bring to you everything you need in life. A card of creative energy showing up now is a good omen. You have many choices before you – choose well in terms of where you place your attention and energy.
VIII Strength – Major Arcana – Personal Power is the focus here – and Leo energy is present. One of my favourite cards in the Tarot deck because it depicts love as the guiding force for action that is taken. Strength is to be used kindly and with great compassion and love for all. Draw on your internal strength to carry you through the ups and downs of life.
Ace of Wands. Energy of fire is present. Take action in your personal and work life. You have the creative energy at your disposal – use it. You are in the right place and right time to build a solid foundation for yourself.
For more in-depth readings book an appointment with me.
Have a great week.
All the best.