We are moving into mid January with a lot of swift and changing energies. The Full Moon in Cancer is tomorrow – Monday, January 13/25. You may feel more emotional as this Full Moon will bring old patterns that need to be released to make way for the new. Pay attention to how you react to others and in turn their reaction to you.
The suit of Swords showed up today – indicating a lot of thinking energy that can be fast moving and is mostly likely to show you where you have patterns in your thinking and behaviour that are either serving you or not.
King of Swords – Energy of Air in a Court Card. Pay attention to the areas you judge people and situations. You have an amazing capacity to stay focused. A master of having your thoughts produce what you desire you need to make your that you are doing so for the benefit of everyone involved. It takes self mastery to stay out of the shadow side of trying to control the actions and behaviours of others.
Ace of Swords – Energy of Air. Victory is featured here. You have overcome your own personal obstacles to having the life you desire. Enjoy the feelings of relief and freedom from limitations that were imposed on you by yourself or others. Use your new focused energy wisely. Take the time to have a measured response to situations in your life. Guard against overly aggressive behaviour.
Queen of Swords – Energy of Air in a Court Card. You are strongly intuitive and often disconnected from the well of deep feelings that reside within you. It is time to soften and feel deeply. Release of the emotions within you offers greater peace in your life. You are drawn to assist others when you have addressed the feelings that have surfaced.
For more in-depth readings book an appointment with me.
Have a great week.
All the best.