January 5 – 11, 2025
We are now just getting into the first full week of 2025. There is a lot of celestial activity going on including the planet Mars retrograding into Cancer. Mars is the energy pf getting sh**t done. It can be aggressive and forceful. Be aware of this influence in your interactions with everyone you come across.
I am still playing with new decks and have not identified one that I would like to use as of now. Until I choose a deck I will be using the Rider- Waite deck which is probably the most used deck by readers. The images will likely be familiar to you. Here goes the first reading for 2025.
8 of Wands – Minor Arcana. Fiery energy indicating something or one moving towards you at a rapid speed. There are no obstacles present as the wands are air born. It is a great time to move forward in business, a creative project, or in a relationship. Take some action – however small do something to demonstrate your readiness to receive the implied bounty of the card.
2 of Cups – Minor Arcana. Water – emotions are highlighted. A relationship or partnership is highlighted. The partnership is one that is fortuitous and is destined to bring about good to both of the people involved. In the case of a romantic union the couple will thrive together whether the relationship is new or established.
2 of Wands – Minor Arcana. Swift moving fire energy. You have accomplished a great deal and have significant assets. You are in a place where you need to have faith in yourself as you are at a point in your life where you are being drawn to go in a different direction. Love yourself enough to follow your intuition into what is at this time an unknown path.
For more in-depth readings book an appointment with me.
Have a great week.
All the best.