We have a full moon tomorrow with a partial lunar eclipse. The Full Moon known as the Harvest Moon is a Super Moon and because of the eclipse it will carry an extra impact. An eclipse stimulates change. Pay attention to what is ending and treat it with reverence as it is creating space for something new. Deal with whatever sticky residue from your past shows up. Be gentle and patient with yourself and others. Whatever ends will be supported. Whatever wants to breakthrough for you will be supported. The energy of an eclipse typically lasts 6 months – so go with its flow.
In keeping with the theme of significant impact – three major arcana cards showed up for today’s reading.
I – The Magus – Major Arcana. Known as the Magician in other decks the energy represented here is skill and wisdom along with the grounding of possibilities. You are able to make decisions and take quick action at this time. This serves you well in business and in your personal life. Making decisions from your heart is advocated at this time as coming from your intellect is subject to being cloudy.
XVII – The Star – Major Arcana. Unexpected assistance arrives – take it – it will be of benefit to you and the ones who are giving it. Greater clarity emerges now – use it with confidence. Be aware that something will also come to completion and that may cause some disappointment. Focus on the space created by the completion and move forward.
III – The Empress – Major Arcana. Focus on the good aspects in your life – love, joy, beauty and doing so – you will attract greater success and fulfillment to your life. Note that you are in charge of yourself and your life. Share your gifts with others – particularly your joy – it does wonders for others at this time. Your sensuous side will be more evident.
Recap: Take grounded action and pay attention to your feelings at this time; It is the calm after the storm enjoy it; Sensations will be highlighted be present to the messages you receive.
For more in-depth readings book an appoint with me.
Enjoy the week.