Here we are at the last full week of August. From my point of view time is certainly accelerated and just keeps zipping by. We are heading into a New Moon in Virgo on September 2/24. Take the time to set new intentions on that date.
As September 2/24 is a holiday I will be back posting on Sept 9/24.
VIII–Adjustment – Major Arcana. In other decks this a known as the Justice card. It is a time to focus on being balanced – to tweak what is out of balance and bring it back to a place of harmony or equilibrium. You may be I the process of trying to make a decision. Make sure you have done your homework before moving forward. It is important that you have as much information as possible prior to making a decision.
Ace of Wands – Minor Arcana – the element of fire is present. Fiery energy is robust – and strong. It can burn and scorch or ignite a slow burning desire within you. Which ever takes place – deal with it with reverence. You may also find that you are suddenly more attractive to potential mates or suitors at this time. Be playful and take your time in interacting with whomever shows up.
III – The Empress – Major Arcana. She represents great love for all things. A card of delight – it indicates happiness, success, elegance, sensuality, good fortune and grace. The planet Venus is represented here intensifying the charm of the energy of the whole and complete woman in touch with feminine wisdom.
Recap: Find the centre point of stillness in your life; Embrace the fire inside of you and let it guide you to new creativity; Feminine wisdom is needed now – use it for the benefit of yourself and others.
For more in-depth readings book an appoint with me.
Have a fabulous 2 weeks.