Pay attention to what your body is doing to improve your overall communication skills.
- Leaning Back
Leaning back signals that you are disinterested and perhaps day dreaming.
- Slouching
Having your body slouch has the appearance of lethargy or lack of energy.
- Crossing Your Arms (Or Legs)
Crossing your arms has you appear closed off or unwilling to cooperate. Crossing your legs can be interpreted similarly so be aware if your legs are visible not to sit with crossed legs.
- Feet Point Away
Your feet point to where you want to go. When someone is listening intently to another person, his or her feet will point towards them.
- Turning Away
Your body will point to where it is focused. To make a strong impression, move your body slightly to angle toward whoever is speaking during a meeting.
The shifts you make in body language may or may not be noticed consciously. However, making the shifts will have others note you are a great listener. That realization even at an unconscious level is worth the effort of paying attention to your body language.