What energies did the Full Moon on Saturday Feb 24/24 ignite in you? For me it brought up the areas where I need to keep my boundaries especially around well being. My intention for 2024 is to take the necessary action to maintain and improve my overall health. The Snow Moon gave me the opportunity to release what no longer serves and embrace new ways for doing that. For me that means changing the little things first and then moving forward to other areas. The impact of the Full Moon is active until Feb 29/24.
The cards this week have an overall Feminine influence.
Princess of Cups – Grounded Water Energy. This is a time of creativity – and giving form to your creative ideas. Whether you paint, write, dance, are musical, garden, or grow food – ensure your talent is grounded in form. Do something outside of what is typical. Step into the extra-ordinary in your life and let it blossom.
III The Empress – Major Arcana – Focus on the good aspects in your life – love, joy, beauty and doing so – you will attract greater success and fulfillment to your life. Note that you are in charge of yourself and your life. Share your gifts with others – particularly your joy – it does wonders for others at this time.
XI – Lust – Major Arcana – This is magical time for you. You have the courage, strength, and energy to bring about your hearts desire. For some it may mean embarking on a great love affair. For others it may bring about a surrender to the desires in life and the fulfillment of those desires. A juicy card to be sure.
Recap: Creative energy abounds – use it; Take the action necessary to ground your successes; Allow yourself to experience the fulfillment of your desires.
Have a great week!