A fairly relaxing week – enjoy it. There is a Full Moon on Sunday, February 5/23. More on that next week. Enjoy the mellowness of the week keeping in mind slowing down now is a good thing for everyone.
3 of Fire – Minor Arcana -Dragons – signifying our inspiration and ideas, fire moves quickly and spreads easily and therefore is representative of risk taking and adventure. A good time to simply appreciate all that you have accomplished including your latest feats. Having that done – use it as a blueprint for guidance into managing people and projects in your current life. Unexpected travel for work or pleasure may come up. If not take the time to immerse yourself in your surroundings.
14 Balance – Major Arcana –Archangel Zadkiel – Known for being the Sacred Lover and for assisting us in developing our self esteem. When Zadkiel shows up it is a wonderful time to contemplate the next course of action in your life. The message is to take your time – hurry is not required. Take action when it feels right – not when there is tension or agitation present. Timing is everything now.
3 of Earth – Minor Arcana –Fairies – signifying our bodies, material good – it influences our homes, our work, our environment and our health. You are on a path that is rewarding to you. Stick with it and keep at it – and do enjoy each step of the way. Creativity, cooperation, and compassion are your allies now – use them to your full advantage. You are or will be recognized for the quality of your work as part of a group or team effort.
To recap enjoy your successes and take the time to feel into what may be next for you; contemplation is your friend now – use it to your full advantage; creativity is highlighted as part of group or team process.
Have a fabulous week.